The kinematic performance of the macpherson suspension on a real vehicle is studied , and the changes of the front wheel alignment and the motion of the front wheel in the longitudinal and the transversal directions are figured . based on the requirements of general layout , a constrained optimization design model is set up with the steering cross rod ball joint position as the optimization variables ( design parameters ) , and the sum of steering cross rod length interference while the left front wheel turning and bouncing as the objective function . and the optimization results are worked out by programming on computer 针对一种实际车型上的麦弗逊式悬架,计算分析了转向轮跳动时前轮定位角和车轮横向、纵向滑移量的变化情况,并根据实际车型上麦弗逊式悬架的空间布置要求,建立了以转向横拉杆断开点空间位置坐标为优化变量,转向横拉杆断开点空间布置坐标可变化范围为约束条件,车轮转向和跳动时转向横拉杆长度干涉量为目标函数的约束优化设计模型。